Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

The clueless leading the clueless

Gotta love Derb: Watching the president deliver his speech tonight, listening to all the gassy cant and bogus concern, the promises to “create” jobs by “investing” in grand government projects, the hollow claims of benevolence and omnipotence, I kept thinking, “They don’t have a clue. None of them has a single [expletive] clue.” That’s not […]

Gotta love Derb:

Watching the president deliver his speech tonight, listening to all the gassy cant and bogus concern, the promises to “create” jobs by “investing” in grand government projects, the hollow claims of benevolence and omnipotence, I kept thinking, “They don’t have a clue. None of them has a single [expletive] clue.”

That’s not specifically an observation about this president. Obama has been less of a calamity than I feared. He has probably done less harm to the nation, net-net, than his predecessor. He has conventionally leftist opinions but no real ideology, no grand transformative plan. His natural interest is in politics: raising funds, getting elected, making appointments—and in the hundreds of millions of dollars he will accumulate after leaving office. In British terms, he is a Tony Blair. I shouldn’t care to spend any time with Obama (and shall call myself blessed if I go to the grave never having spent a minute in the same room as his dimwitted shopaholic wife). If we were to trade opinions on matters of public policy I doubt we’d have a single point of agreement, but I don’t feel any animosity toward him.

I merely don’t think he has a clue. Not him, not Geithner or Mrs. Clinton, not Reid or Pelosi, not Romney or Gingrich or Boehner—I don’t believe any of them has a clue.

Read the whole thing.  I don’t recall having read anything that summed up the malaise I feel when I contemplate our political situation, and its possibilities. Like Derb, I don’t share the hatred of Obama common among our political confreres. Indeed, the last Bush was far, far more destructive of the country and the national interest than Obama has been. But to be fair to Obama and to his political opponents, who among us does have any clue what to do? I find it impossible to listen to anything Obama or the GOP candidates (Ron Paul excepted) say without feeling that I’m hearing a sales pitch. I don’t know which is more troubling: the belief that they’re lying to me, or the belief that they’re lying to themselves.
