Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Media bias and March for Life, Part II

Mollie over at Get Religion has an amazing catch about the coverage CBS News’s website posted about the annual March for Life. Writes Mollie: The online producers at CBS posted a photo slideshow the other day that appeared under the following rather literal headline: Activists Hold Annual March For Life On Roe v. Wade Anniversary So, just […]

Mollie over at Get Religion has an amazing catch about the coverage CBS News’s website posted about the annual March for Life. Writes Mollie:

The online producers at CBS posted a photo slideshow the other day that appeared under the following rather literal headline:

Activists Hold Annual March For Life On Roe v. Wade Anniversary

So, just thinking out loud, what percentage of the pictures in this gallery would you expect to be of, well, the thousands and thousands of activists who traveled to Washington, D.C., in order to take part in the annual March For Life on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade?

If you guessed anything other than zero, you would be wrong.

There are literally no pictures of any pro-lifers in this feature.

Well, Get Religion gets results. By day’s end, there were plenty of photos of pro-lifers in that CBS online feature. So, good for you, Get Religion! But it is seriously appalling that hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers can gather on the Mall for a protest, and CBS cannot manage to get a single photo of them into its “gallery” of photos of the event. You really have to work hard to accomplish something like that.


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