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Jeremy Meeks Destroys Feminism

Unless you’re living in a cave near the Khyber Pass, you will have heard of this story: A handsome mug shot of a Northern California man arrested on felony weapons charges has gone viral on social media, attracting more than 33,000 “likes” and drawing comments praising his high cheek bones, chiseled face and striking blue […]
Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?
Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?

Unless you’re living in a cave near the Khyber Pass, you will have heard of this story:

A handsome mug shot of a Northern California man arrested on felony weapons charges has gone viral on social media, attracting more than 33,000 “likes” and drawing comments praising his high cheek bones, chiseled face and striking blue eyes.

Jeremy Meeks, 30, a convicted felon, was arrested Wednesday on five weapons charges and one gang charge, according to Officer Joseph Silva, a spokesman for the Stockton Police Department.

Silva declined to say what Meeks was previously convicted of, saying the department does not routinely release information about a suspect’s criminal history.

No previous arrest photo has garnered so much positive attention since the department set up the Facebook page in March 2012, Silva told The Associated Press.

“I have not seen that many likes for a photo before,” he said.

He spent nine years in prison for grand theft. Just so you know.

Remember Alisa Valdes? Here and here?

UPDATE: Let me clarify something for a number of you: I don’t think Jeremy Weeks truly destroys feminism.

Please calm down.



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