Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

TAC Digest: May 29

Ron Unz judged the American media. Pat Buchanan lamented the Kristol-caused demise of GOP realists, and Dan McCarthy set the stage for the controversy. Jim Antle canvassed conservative options in November. Jordan Bloom exposed Obama’s worse-than-Bain cronyism, while Scott Galupo punctured conservative Bain myopia, and linked angst over free trade to rising health care costs. Rod Dreher spotted the problem with the president’s secret kill list, thought through the Euro crisis, and repeatedly chewed over the gay […]

Ron Unz judged the American media. Pat Buchanan lamented the Kristol-caused demise of GOP realists, and Dan McCarthy set the stage for the controversy. Jim Antle canvassed conservative options in November. Jordan Bloom exposed Obama’s worse-than-Bain cronyism, while Scott Galupo punctured conservative Bain myopia, and linked angst over free trade to rising health care costs. Rod Dreher spotted the problem with the president’s secret kill list, thought through the Euro crisis, and repeatedly chewed over the gay marriage-religious liberty divide. Daniel Larison doubted Chris Christie’s strength as a running mate, and challenged the notion of Romney’s policy revanchism.

McCarthy suggested liberalism’s discriminatory contradiction, and Larison did not like Pagans. Dreher imagined a revolution in the Vatican, agreed with Dan Quayle, appreciated what it takes to be a writer, responded to Bloom’s choom gang analysislistened to God, and parsed bad album covers. Samuel Goldman critiqued American interest in philosophy, and Galupo considered Chinese film buffs.

Andrew Bacevich investigated the never-ending special ops war, and William Lind proposed sending the F-35 stealth turkey to the chopping block. Philip Giraldi followed media bias on the Israeli riots. Larison probed the real influences behind Romney’s foreign policy, noted the real flaws in U.S.-Russian relations, asked if foreign policy campaign rhetoric matters, and told us to ignore Charles Krauthammer



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