Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Weekend Note: Democracy, Unemployment, and Wilsonianism

The media mantra, and that of many interventionists in seat of government, continues to be that we are in the Middle East to encourage “democracy.” But democracy qua democracy is simply majority rule… what happens when that majority becomes an angry mob? Under democracy a majority can vote away the rights and property of others. […]

The media mantra, and that of many interventionists in seat of government, continues to be that we are in the Middle East to encourage “democracy.” But democracy qua democracy is simply majority rule… what happens when that majority becomes an angry mob? Under democracy a majority can vote away the rights and property of others. The founders knew this well, and were leery of democracy for this very reason. Patrick J. Buchanan examines the religious fervor the contemporary West has developed for democracy and asks, “How is it that this childlike faith endures?”

Basements across America are finding new residents. The “boomerang kids” are increasing in number, as job scarcity for young adults remains alarmingly high. Unemployment remains in the double digits around the globe and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says America may be the next to see riots like those that were witnessed across the Middle East and Europe this summer… if the youth employment situation doesn’t turn around soon.

The specter of Woodrow Wilson continues to haunt the fiscal and foreign policies of America, and TAC contributor Daniel Larison says Sen. Marco Rubio’s foreign-policy positions are little more than “Wilsonian Boilerplate” advocating perpetual military presence abroad.



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