Iran Hawks Hate the Nuclear Deal Because It Is Successful
The head of the IAEA is reduced to pleading on behalf of the nuclear deal:
Yukiya Amano said that if the deal “were to fail it would be a great loss for nuclear verification and multilateralism.”
Amano said U.N. inspectors had access to all required sites and between them now spend 3,000 calendar days a year working in Iran.
Amano is right to defend the deal, and everything he says about it is true. The trouble is that the opponents of the deal are not interested in nuclear verification or multilateralism. The fact that the head of the IAEA vouches for the deal is another reason for Bolton et al. to want to get rid of it. They hate the deal because it is successful. It settles a dispute peacefully, and it removes an excuse for unnecessary war.
Opponents of the deal didn’t want the nuclear issue to be resolved through diplomacy, and they are doing their utmost to sabotage the agreement that managed to do this. The debate over the nuclear deal, such as it is, has been a useful reminder that fanatics and hard-liners won’t ever accept a compromise and will do everything they can to destroy the compromise that others have created. They have found their willing pawn in Trump, who rejects the deal in no small part because it lets him distinguish himself from his predecessor. One of the most important diplomatic triumphs of the twenty-first century is most likely going to go up in smoke because a vain narcissist can’t stand the idea that Obama was right about anything.