Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

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Dartmoor, Devon, England
Dartmoor, Devon, England

James C. is hobbiting his way through rural England. Above is a shot from the Fingle Bridge Inn. Here’s the inn itself (website):

James writes:

It’s so great to have a big open expanse on your doorstep when you want to get away from the madding crowd. That’s Dartmoor (if you’ve seen the Spielberg film Warhorse, it was filmed here). And yet, when you get to a river gorge deep in the forest along a single-track lane, what do you find? An inn, of course. I’d have had something to eat if the coronation chicken baguette I got in another remote village hadn’t been enormous. Rural England…just wild enough and with homely, hobbity comforts.

Now off on a hike to earn that beer…



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