Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Secular-Left Wahhabism Alert

A New Yorker writer polices the ideological boundary between Elon Musk and Grimes

Prim New Yorker staff writer Naomi Fry is put out by the fact that Elon Musk is dating the electronic musician who goes by the name Grimes. I screenshot the end of the piece so you could gaze upon the censorious visage of our writer:

“Many people’s responses”? Did “many people” pine for the days when people only dated within the ideological boundaries? Is Grimes selling out by dating Musk? What, exactly, is she selling out?

The reader who sent me a link to the piece writes:

As someone who’s relatively liberal, I find the suggestion somewhat appalling and a major reason why I get exasperated with the left. (Especially bloggers for the New Yorker. The magazine is great, but many of the site’s bloggers are banal in their radicalism.) I still believe in the possibility—even necessity—of transcending political distinctions, particularly when it comes to friendships and romance. Fry seems to be upset that Grimes would be willing to put aside her political disagreements with Musk. That she would be upset by this troubles me deeply.

Extremism in policing the boundaries is no vice, I guess. In the weeks after 9/11, I visited a radical Muslim bookstore on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. I bought several English language books there, all from a Saudi publishing house. One of them, a guide for new converts to Islam, warned sternly against spending time with Christians, Jews, and other infidels. What was the risk of that? According to the book, “you might come to love them.”

Seems that Ms. Fry is a Wahhabi of the secular left.



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