Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

A Memento Mori For Social Conservatives

The financial power behind LGBT activism seeks to 'punish the wicked'

From a piece in Rolling Stone about Tim Gill, a gay tech skrillionaire who devotes his fortune to LGBT causes. The article identifies him as the linchpin of LGBT legal and political victories:

More broadly, for Gill and his allies, nondiscrimination is the new front of the movement: a campaign that pits LGBTQ advocates against a religious right that responded to marriage equality by redoubling its efforts. The election of Donald Trump, who claims to support gay rights but stocked his administration with anti-LGBTQ extremists, has only emboldened those looking to erase the gains of the past decade. Gill refuses to go on the defense. “We’re going into the hardest states in the country,” he says. “We’re going to punish the wicked.”

Emphasis mine.

This is extremely clarifying. Remember it. Make sure you are giving as much as you can to non-profits who defend religious freedom (e.g., ADF, The Becket Fund). The liberty they defend is our own.



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