Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Is Angry Birds Racist?

Yes indeed, and sexist too, according to Galen Ciscell, a professor of sociology. Excerpt: This same pattern also appears in the original Angry Birds Star Wars, in which Princess Leia is the only pink bird and Lando Calrissian (played by Billy Dee Williams, a black male) is the only brown bird. White privilege and male privilege […]

Yes indeed, and sexist too, according to Galen Ciscell, a professor of sociology. Excerpt:

This same pattern also appears in the original Angry Birds Star Wars, in which Princess Leia is the only pink bird and Lando Calrissian (played by Billy Dee Williams, a black male) is the only brown bird.

White privilege and male privilege persist, in part, by framing the white, male experience as normal. Even in a game like Angry Birds Star Wars II we see the invisibility of whiteness and maleness and the foregrounding of race and gender for people of color and women.

What would we do without professors of sociology, keeping vigil on ornithology-based thoughtcrime?

[H/T: Prufrock, a subscription to which is free]



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