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Denninger: Against Tea Party lies

The econoblogger Karl Denninger is warily supportive of the Occupy movement, but boy does he hate the Tea Party, and not because he’s a left-winger. He most assuredly is not. As rants go, this one is almost Kunstlerian in its spittle-flecked grandeur. Here are some excerpts; emphases are all in the original: There is no […]

The econoblogger Karl Denninger is warily supportive of the Occupy movement, but boy does he hate the Tea Party, and not because he’s a left-winger. He most assuredly is not. As rants go, this one is almost Kunstlerian in its spittle-flecked grandeur. Here are some excerpts; emphases are all in the original:

There is no such thing as a Unicorn that craps out pretty colored candies.

In the case at hand in the United States we have a government on both sides of the aisle that has made promises that are mathematically impossible to keep.  That same government conspired with The Fed and with Wall Street to blow a series of bubbles that led you to believe, over the space of 30 years, that you could have more than you can actually pay for with your work output.  This claim was a lie and it infested virtually every area of our nation.  Housing, education, medical care – all were used as a means to blow up the bubble to larger and larger dimension whenever it threatened to collapse and expose the frauds.


The slams and frankly slanderous lies coming from the so-called “Tea Party” jackasses are just as bad as those coming from the Soros mouthpieces.  They’re all lies.

Denninger quotes from a Tea Party missive he’s seen, whose author urges the TPers to avoid OWS, because “THEY ARE THE ENEMY,” and anti-capitalist to boot. Denninger’s head explodes:

Again, oh really?  What’s Capitalist about Citifinancial who had their former chief risk officer testify under oath that the firm was selling on loans that they knew did not meet underwriting guidelines – that is, they knew they were defective and not what was represented to buyers.  This isn’t conjecture and it wasn’t a “small number” either – he testified that 80% of the loans they made in 2007 were defective.

Is it “capitalism” when I sell you a car showing 50,000 miles on the odometer but I rolled it back from 150,000, or is that theft and fraud when you buy said car and discover later that the engine and transmission are basically worn out, and thus you paid $10,000 for something that was worth $2,000?  I ****ed you out of the other $8,000 – I stole it – and in every other area of business when I do that it’s illegal.

That is not capitalism – it is theft.  THAT is what you are supporting.

Read the whole thing.



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