Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Wokeness Rots Woman’s Brain

A cry for help from cult member Saira Rao

O Fortuna! It’s showtime at the Prytania!:

She drove away all her friends — the friends who “would have done anything for” her. Except join her cult.

This is not a parody account, by the way. Saira Rao is a Colorado Democrat who unsuccessfully ran for Congress last year. 

She lost in the Democratic primary by more than a two-to-one margin, after which she said that she is “giving up on white people.” Even though she considered herself one … but also, in a 2017 “open letter to the Democratic Party,” called herself “brown.” She said in that open letter that she was “breaking up with the Democratic Party,” but a few months later, she entered the Democratic primary. Which she lost bigtime, then turned green with envy of the white woman who beat her.

Perhaps it’s uncharitable of me to say so, but I get the feeling that Saira Rao might not be the most mentally stable Social Justice Warrior in the ranks.

(Wondering what the Prytania joke is? Look here.)

UPDATE: Ooooh! Ooooh! Here’s a great one going around Twitter tonight:


The author of these tweets has taken her Twitter account down. For the record, she’s a white woman whose last name is Fitzgerald. More:


Have you tickled a swarthy genderfluid child today?


UPDATE.2: Reader Leif:

To emphasize the degree to which the doctrines of wokeness are totally riped-off from the Biblical doctrine of sin, I’d like to take this opportunity to re-publish this delightful gem of a tweet-storm under the title:

“Notes From a Self-Absorbed Christian Woman Hurt by Her Unbelieving Friends”

Quite a few women have recently asked me how they can help their sinner friends understand sin, in the hopes that they’ll start their journey towards God. In the hopes that their sinner friends can become trustworthy.

Here’s what I’ve learned: sin is the most powerful drug on the planet. And if you, yourself, don’t want to wean yourself off of sin, it can’t and won’t happen.
You have to not just want to wean yourself, you have to *desperately* want to wean yourself.

I was a sinner until 2016. I was deeply self-loathing and internally oppressed. Nearly all my closest friends were sinners. These women were in my wedding, and I in theirs. They cradled me when I wept for my dead mother. They would have done anything for me.

I spent one full year meeting them for coffee, drinks, lunch, dinner. I sent them articles. I wrote articles. I sent them those. Rather than show an interest in repentance, nearly ALL of them, dumped me.

Dumping has involved a pinch of ghosting, a dash of “I’m really worried about you, WE are really worried about you.” It’s involved leaving me and my family out of group plans – and pretending it was an accident.

It’s involved leaving me out of group plans – and not pretending it was an accident. Some of these women weren’t really even friends before, but have bonded over their mutual disdain for me and my “craziness.”

They’ve bonded around SIN.

I no longer harbor anger towards them. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me sad from time to time, because it does.

But the overarching feelings I have are (a) UNDERSTANDING. Understanding how they are all just reading from their Sin ScriptA script they received before they were born and (b) FEAR.

Fear that if the intense love they had for me and my family wasn’t enough to reflect on their own sin, what hope do we have.

Those who love us still love sin more. By a long shot.

The most powerful drug on the planet.

As for that advice: save your time, save your energy, save your heart. Until and unless they themselves want to eradicate the toxic sin embedded in their DNA, it’ll never happen and you’ll be crushed trying.



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