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The Hill: “Nearly 60 percent of all Americans think the war in Afghanistan is no longer worth fighting, with more than 50 percent saying U.S.…
Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem and Robin Morgan have an op-ed at on Rush Limbaugh’s “slut” tirade from last week and they…
According to Rod, Limbaugh loathing has jumped the shark and he may be right, especially since Rush Limbaugh will be in the soup again…
I like to imagine an alternative universe where the mouthpiece for movement conservatism possesses a keen intellect and a mordant wit, instead of being…
A post by Scott Eric Kaufman at Lawyers, Guns and Money links to Matt Taibbi’s acerbic sendoff to the late Andrew Breitbart and…
So Rod’s clarifying moment is muddy once more. For all the talk about how the Komen Foundation was “bullied” by the left, the…
Nick Gillespie should use great care when tipping his hat to hack extraordinaire Glenn Reynolds. Gillespie and Reynolds both think they have caught Elizabeth…
I haven’t paid close attention to the news in recent months and I just assumed that some new Fox reality show was all…