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Total War Against Mormons

The LDS Church is about to learn that the terms of our common surrender will be brutal

The Mormons have endorsed a limited version of gay rights:

Top leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints called Tuesday for passage of laws granting statewide protections against housing and employment discrimination for gay and lesbian Utahns — as long as those measures safeguard religious freedom.

The move, one LGBT advocates have been pushing for years, provides a major boost for the prospects of nondiscrimination statutes on Utah’s Capitol Hill. Such proposals have been bottled up in the Legislature for years — despite the church’s historic endorsement of similar protections in Salt Lake City ordinances in 2009.

Utah’s predominant faith issued the plea for such measures at all levels of government during a rare news conference, featuring three apostles — Elders Jeffrey R. Holland, Dallin H. Oaks and D. Todd Christofferson — and a high-profile women’s leader, Neill Marriott, second counselor in the church’s Young Women general presidency.

Progress, right? Wrong! Of course, that is not enough for cultural Maoists like Samantha Allen. Excerpt:

Nor is the church’s support of non-discrimination ordinances entirely new. In 2009, Mormon leaders put their weight behind a Salt Lake City non-discrimination ordinance, but only because it “balance[d] fair housing and employment rights with the religious rights of the community.” The only news here is that the church is expanding this conditional support of LGBT protections “throughout Utah and the nation as long as there [is] a balanced approach to protect constitutional religious exercise and conscience.”

These recurring disclaimers about religious freedom reveal this announcement for what it really is: a craven bid to hang on to as much power as possible before full LGBT equality becomes a political and cultural reality. Now that the Mormon Church seems more or less resigned to the impending probability of nationwide same-sex marriage, this renewed focus on discrimination under the guise of religious freedom is the only thing they have left and by God, Jesus, and Joseph Smith, are they going to white-knuckle it.

In fact, this move is exactly the sort of bait-and-switch I learned as a Mormon child: Pledge basic support for the humane treatment of the marginalized while supporting their exclusion through every other means possible.

So this move by the LDS Church is really just a sign of how deeply bigoted they really are. Got it.

You cannot win with these people. They want total victory. You will get no credit for anything. You will be punished for having thought wrongly in the past. There will be no meeting halfway, no recognition that religious liberty is an important liberal value too, and that we should all try to find some way to live together under pluralism.

Nope. The Revolution is constituted by the total destruction of all that is opposed to it.

Learn that lesson now. It will help you make sense of what’s happening now, and what’s about to happen.

UPDATE: Oh, great: Samantha Allen was born a guy, but crowdfunded the offloading of her penis and the acquisition of a “vagina”. But it’s the Mormons who are nuts, see.






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